EN /中
Chinese Track Middle School English Language Arts Teacher in Beijing $1500-$3000/month

Classroom(in China)·40 hours/a week

  • Job Description:

    • General requirements: teaching, planning, assessment, grading, record
    keeping, classroom management
    • Facilitate intensive academic vocabulary development
    • Scaffold background information and make connections so that ELL
    learners can better understand a variety of texts
    • Model and teach students about the structure and content of the English
    language, including proper grammar, spelling, and sentence structure
    • Develop a culture of reading through novel studies and free reading of both
    classics and contemporary novels
    • Help students interpret a variety of texts including literature, poetry,
    history, and science
    • Systematically develop students’ composition skills including narratives,
    research reports, literary analysis, and essays
    • Equip students to learn through collaboration, introducing them to western
    teaching methodologies
    • Report to supervisor as required
    • Collaborate with colleagues to develop sound curricula
    • Provide parents with regular feedback and instructional rationale
    • Fulfill at least two additional responsibilities: committee, monitoring, etc.
    • Take an active role in required meetings (departmental; grade level; faculty;
    • Participate in department activities (Battle of the Books, etc)

  • Job Requirements:

    • Bachelor’s degree required (Master’s degree preferred ) in secondary education
    or other closely related fields
    • Experience in teaching ESL, also in teaching composition and literature for at
    least 3 years
    • Teaching Certification from a recognized institution

  • Benefits:

    About this company

    • Location

      Dongcheng District , Beijing

    • Established


    • Company Size


    • Response rate within 30 days


    • Active

      within a week


